Introducing Sacred Starts, a sunrise practice community

We journey with the rising sun to awaken the soul and illuminate the path of inner tranquility. Guided by the first light of day, our mission is to foster a sanctuary of peace, growth, and spiritual connection.


Sacred Starts is dedicated to the art of greeting each new dawn with the spirit of reverence and renewal. Our mission is to weave the golden threads of mindfulness, connection, and serenity into the fabric of every morning, grounding the first light of day into the profound spiritual journey of the day to come. Through the sanctity of sunrise practices, we invite you to open your heart to the infinite possibilities that each new day offers, cultivating a sanctuary within where peace and purpose flourish side by side. Sacred Starts is not just a practice but a promise: to honor the sacredness of beginnings, to cherish the stillness and vibrancy of dawn, and to awaken the soul with every hue of the rising sun. Join us in the embrace of morning's first light, where every breath is a prayer and every day is a fresh canvas painted with the colors of hope, harmony, and heartfelt connection.

Hapé and Karipe

Providing you with a safe space to connect with your divine source.

Sacred Starts is more than a practice; it's a commitment to the journey of awakening, a celebration of life's infinite possibilities, and a testament to the luminous bond we share with the cosmos. Join us at the horizon, where each new day begins with a promise of peace, understanding, and the pure joy of being.

Our Community Is Growing Through Love and Abundance

Our Sunrise Community thrives on love, abundance, and collective support, nestled amidst nature's beauty. Here, each day starts with promise, symbolized by the sunrise that warms our lush landscapes and communal gardens. United by a shared vision, our diverse members foster deep connections, supporting each other's unique paths while celebrating collective achievements.

At the heart of our community, love, and abundance are more than ideals—they're the fabric of our daily lives. Our shared resources and experiences enrich us, ensuring that everyone has access to holistic nourishment. Support is our way of life, manifesting through workshops, gatherings, and everyday acts of kindness, empowering each individual's growth and well-being.

As we evolve, the Sacred Starts Community remains a beacon of hope and unity, dedicated to a future where everyone can thrive in harmony and peace, growing stronger together.

Our Offerings

  • Sunrise Ceremonies for Health and Affirmations: Join Our Free Community

    Welcome the new day with open arms and a grateful heart. Like the sun, we rise. With each moment, we choose to shine brighter, to live fully and love deeply. We acknowledge our strength and our ability to overcome challenges. Today, we choose to spread light and positivity, touching the lives of those around me. We are beacons of hope and vessels of peace, radiating joy and kindness in every direction. With gratitude, I welcome the abundance.

  • Guided Mediation With 'Silent Disco' Headphones in San Juan, Puerto Rico

    Guided meditation is akin to a benevolent friend taking you on a journey through imagination and tranquility. Imagine you're at the starting line of a pathway that meanders through landscapes of your own mind, landscapes more vast and beautiful than any you've encountered in the waking world. This friend, with a voice as soothing as a warm, gentle breeze, guides your steps, suggesting where to look, what to feel, and how to interact with this inner world.

  • Hapé Ceremony at Sunrise to Awaken the Heart and Mind in San Juan, Puerto Rico

    Hapé, also known as rapé, is a sacred herbal snuff used by various indigenous tribes in the Amazon basin. Its history is deeply entwined with the cultural, spiritual, and medicinal practices of these communities. The preparation and ingredients of hapé, as well as its ceremonial use, reflect a profound relationship between the indigenous peoples and their environment, encapsulating a wealth of traditional knowledge and spiritual beliefs.

  • Cacao Ceremony to Open the Heart to Abundance in San Juan, Puerto Rico

    At the heart of the ceremony is the cacao itself, a rich, dark elixir prepared with reverence from beans that carry the spirit of the earth. As the ceremonial leader, a guardian of this ancient tradition, begins to share the story of cacao, you learn of its power to open hearts, to heal, and to connect not only with oneself but with the essence of all life. The cacao is not merely a drink but a sacred key, unlocking doors to inner worlds, to insights and emotions long buried.

  • Morning Massage and Sacred Body Work to Start the Day in San Juan, Puerto Rico

    Envision entering a sanctuary of tranquility, a haven where time slows its relentless march and the world's clamor fades into a hushed whisper. This is the realm of massage, an ancient art form that speaks the language of touch, a dialect understood by every muscle and sinew in your body. As you lie down, the journey begins, not with the destination in mind, but with an intention to explore the landscapes of sensation and relief.

  • Dance At The Sunrise With 'Silent Disco' Headphones in San Juan, Puerto Rico

    Imagine the world awash in the soft, ethereal glow of dawn, the horizon blushing with the first light of day. This is the canvas for an extraordinary dance, a celebration of life and joy that unfolds under the open sky. Welcome to sunrise dancing with silent disco headphones, a magical confluence where technology meets the timeless ritual of movement and music.

Meet our team

  • Solange

  • Michelle

  • Thomas

  • Drea

  • Isabelle

  • Bula


My mornings are now filled with wonder and affirmation. I relish the sunrise and all it brings

- Adryan -

Seeking Wisdom - Blog

Short History
of Hapé

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Medical Benefits of
Watching the Sunrise

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A Sunrise Meditation: Embracing the New Day

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The Beginners Guide to Meditation

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